Sales Role:
Bid Sent Email - Salesperson is copied on the Customer Bid email the customer is sent.
Bid Viewed Email - Sent when the download bid button is clicked from the Bid Sent Email.
Bid Accepted - Sent when the bid has been accepted by the customer.
Bid Rejected - Sent when the bid has been rejected by the customer.
Appointment Scheduled - Salesperson is copied on the appointment confirmation email.
Additional System Email Recipients:
Bid Viewed Email - Sent when the download bid button is clicked from the Bid Sent Email.
Bid Accepted - Sent when the bid has been accepted.
Bid Rejected - Sent when the bid has been rejected.
Primary Users:
Bid Submitted for Approval - A user without bid verification created a bid and submitted for approval.
Company Activated - Confirmation of company activation.
Company Suspended - Payment was not received. Please check your Payment Method.
Subscription Cancelled - Confirmation of subscription cancellation.
All Users:
Reset Password Email - Generated when "Forgot password? Reset it" is selected from the login page.
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