Track the Status of Your Projects
The Project Status pipeline is a great tool for users to keep track of their active projects.
Table of Contents
Accessing the Project Status Pipeline
Expand the Project Status pipeline by selecting the Project Status tab on the right side of the dashboard page.
- Select a status to expand or hide the projects housed there.
- Requirements to move the project to the next step are in italics under the status header.
Project Statuses
Projects are sorted by the following statuses in the Project Status pipeline.
Lead Created
Leads listed under this status were created in the Lead section of the system and are currently in the Open or Working status.
- Selecting a lead from the list will route you to the Leads page and automatically open the Lead Details for the selected lead. There, you can edit the lead information and notes, change the lead status, or add a task.
- If a lead is changed to the Dead status, it will no longer show in the project pipeline
- If a lead is Converted to a customer, it will move to the Project Created section of the pipeline.
Project Created
Projects listed under this status were created without an appointment.
- Selecting a project in this status will route to its Schedule tab. There you can schedule an evaluation appointment.
- Once an evaluation appointment is scheduled, the project will move to the Sales Appointment Scheduled section.
Sales Appointment Scheduled
The projects listed under this status have an upcoming evaluation appointment.
- Selecting a project in this status will route to the project's Schedule tab.
- Once the evaluation appointment time and date have passed, the project will move to Sales Appointment Closed.
Sales Appointment Closed
Projects listed under this status need a bid created.
- Selecting a project in this status will route you to the Bids tab, where you can select Add Bid.
- Once a bid has been started, the project will route to Bid Started. If the bid was sent for approval, the project would route to Bid Pending. If the bid is finalized, the project will route to Bid Sent.
Bid Started
Projects listed under this status need to have a bid sent for approval or finalized.
- Selecting a project in this status will route you to the project's Bids tab.
- If the bid was sent for approval, the project would route to Bid Pending. If the bid is finalized, the project will route to Bid Sent.
Bid Pending
Projects listed under this status need to have a bid approved by a user with the bid verification role. (Primary users, who automatically have the bid verification role, will receive a notification email when a bid needs approval.)
- Selecting a project in this status will route you to the project's Bids tab.
- After the bid has been approved, the project will route to Bid Sent.
Bid Sent
Projects listed under this status are waiting for the customer to accept or reject the bid.
- Selecting a project in this status will route you to the project's Overview tab.
- If the customer accepts the bid, the project will move to Bid Accepted. If the customer rejects the bid, the project will move to Bid Rejected.
Bid Accepted
The projects listed under this status need an installation appointment to be scheduled.
- Selecting a project from this status will route you to the project's Schedule tab.
- Once an installation appointment has been scheduled, the project will route to Installation Scheduled.
Bid Rejected
Projects listed under this status need to be rebid, Closed, or canceled.
- Selecting a project in this status will route you to the project's Bids tab.
- Rebidding a project will move it back to Bid Sent. Closing the project will move it to Recently Closed Projects. Canceling the project will remove it immediately from the Project Status pipeline.
Installation Scheduled
The projects listed under this status have an installation appointment scheduled.
- Selecting a project in this status will route to the Schedule tab.
- Once the installation is complete, click Complete next to the appointment within the Schedule tab to move the project to Installation Complete.
Installation Complete
Projects listed under this status need to have the warranties sent to the customer.
- Selecting the project here will route you to the Bids tab, where the warranties can be sent by selecting Send Warranties.
- Once the Warranties are sent, the project will be moved to Warranties Sent.
Warranties Sent
Projects listed under this status need to be marked complete.
- Selecting the project here will route you to the project's Overview tab to select Close.
- Once the project has been closed, it will route to Recently Closed Projects.
Recently Closed Projects
The projects listed under this status have been closed (won or lost).
- No action is necessary. This shows recently closed projects within the timeframe set within the settings (Company Profile > Settings.)
- Note: Only projects that have been through each of the previous stages will be listed here.
Roles and Project Status
The projects shown in the Project Status pipeline are relevant to the user's role.
- Only a Primary user or Sales Manager will see all available projects.
- Anyone with a sales or installation role will only see the projects they are assigned.
- The Salesperson Collaboration setting will affect this. If turned on, users with the sales role will see all projects.
Sorting the Project Pipeline
Sort by age or group projects by salesperson/installer.
- Sort the Project Status pipeline by the newest or oldest project by using the drop-down on the top of the Project Status pipeline.
- Check the Group by User checkbox to show projects per salesperson/installer. Uncheck to show each individual product in the Project Status pipeline.
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