The most significant items when setting up your Company are your Forms and Products. This setup will determine how your team moves through the bid creation process and what information gets automatically pulled into the final PDF document for your customers! You will use the Forms Marketplace to select the forms your company needs. You can customize those forms by attaching products, categories, and specific terms and conditions. Take a look at the video to get started.
- Click here for more information on Forms
- Click here for more information on Products
- Click here for more information on Terms and Conditions
Table of Contents
Sample Forms and Products
When your company's account was created, we asked about your industry. Based on your selection, we added some forms and products for you. These are strictly examples to be used to get a feel for the software. They can be edited or removed at any time by following the instructions below.
Adding Forms
- Primary Users can find the Company Profile by clicking on the user icon in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting Company Profile. (To find the user icon on a tablet or mobile device, select the 3-line hamburger menu on the top right of your screen.)
- Select Forms on the left side of the screen. This is where you will see a list of all the forms you already have. We added some for you based on your industry. Visit our Forms article for more information on managing forms and form categories.
- Click on the blue Add Forms button on the right to take you into Forms Marketplace. The Marketplace has templates organized by type of work, but you can also use the search bar to find what you need. Keep in mind if you don't see what you need, you are able to rename any of the forms that already exist. Try this by adding the Other form found in the General section.
- Once you've found a form you are interested in, click the blue arrow to preview the form, or click the blue add button to begin customizing the form.
- Use the instructions in the Editing Forms section to update the form.
- When editing is completed, be sure to save it.
*Note: The form called Sample is not editable in the same way as other forms. This is simply to show you all the types of fields a form can include if, for any reason, your company needs a custom form developed. Please visit our Forms article to learn more about custom forms.
Editing Forms
When editing your form, you can choose the name of your form, add a service description, create a product category, and add products.
- Form Name: The form selected will have the name pre-filled for you, though any form will allow you to change the name. You can also hide the name from customer-facing documents by clicking Hide Name From Customer toggle to the on position.
- Service Description: This content will automatically be pulled into the bid every time you use this form. This description can not be changed during bid creation, so please ensure the text is appropriate to include every time this form is used. Any specific project information should be written in the notes section of the form when in bid creation.
- Start typing or copy and paste existing language into the open text box. Use the tools to update formatting.
- Product Category: This is how the system knows what forms should have a particular product. Product Categories (different from Form Categories) connect products to forms.
- If you've already created a product category from the products page, you can select it from the drop-down list.
- To create a new product category, simply click the blue Create Category button and type a name. As a best practice, we advise the Product Category have the same name as the Form. This organization method will keep simpler as you continue to add forms and products.
- The Parent Category is an optional layer that can further organize your products. It is not required. This works much like a traditional folder/subfolder system, with the parent at the top and the new category nested underneath, becoming a subcategory.
- Click next.
- Once a product category is created, you can select it from the dropdown list when creating forms and products.
- The system will automatically update the screen to show you how many products are already attached to the product category you have selected.
- You can add products by clicking the small blue text that says Add Product. Please visit the Products article to learn more about creating a new product.
- Form Settings: Toggle each setting to determine when and where the form will be visible to your internal team and customers.
- Active - When toggled on, the form is available for use.
- Show on Bid Document - When toggled on, the form will appear in the Bid Document for your customer.
- Show on Job Document - When toggled on, the form will appear in the Job Document for your installation team.
- Add to New Bids - When toggled on, the form will automatically be added to every bid.
- Add to New Bid Sections - When toggled on, the form will automatically be added to every section within every bid.
Form Categories: As an optional step, Form Category can also be used to organize your forms within the bid creator. To learn more about this topic, visit the Forms article.
- Preview: Click the preview button to see an interactive preview of your form, as it will appear in the bid creator.
- Tip: Complete the form by filling in the fields within the preview before moving on.
- Click the Preview Document button to view how the form will appear in your documents.
- Switch the view by clicking the Bid Document or Job Document buttons at the top.
- Click X when finished with the preview.
- Save: Once you are satisfied with your form settings, click Save. Remember, you can edit all of this information later if needed.
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